Research laboratories

Teaching Laboratory


  • Development of activities that are related to the teaching and learning process, especially teaching qualification

 Research Areas

  • Human Development
  • Public Policy, Society and Environment

  Techniques and Services

  • Improvement of teaching strategies
  • Improvement of communicative strategies for events
  • Didadic material preparation for use in classroom.
  • Development of professional posture for classroom.
  • Training for the usage of digital tools (softwares Powerpoint, Keynote e Prezi) in expositive activities.


  • Maria Isabel Morgan Martins

Phone: +55 51 3462-9568  -  E-mail:

Ulbra Canoas - Avenida Farroupilha, 8001 · Bairro São José · CEP 92425-900 · Canoas/RS Telefone: + 55 51 3477.4000 · E-mail: