Faculty members


Eduardo Galia Reston

Graduated at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - School of Dentistry (1987) Certificate and Master Degree of Science in Operative Dentistry at Indiana University - School of Dentistry (USA) (1991) PhD degree in Restorative Dentistry from State Paulista University (UNESP at Araraquara) - 2004. Associate Professor of Lutheran University School of Dentistry (from 1992 to current year), acting in undergraduate and graduate (Master and PhD). Currently is the Head of the Graduate Program in Dentistry at Lutheran University of Brazil. Participate in Editorial Boards of several national and international Journals. Majors fields of interest are Dental Education, Restorative Dentistry, particularly composite resins and dental bleaching. Also has been lecturing in Brazil and other countries, as well as participating in many Organizing Committees - Scientific Boards of dental meetings

  • Program Steering Committee

    Adair Luiz Stefanello Busato

    Researcher/Scholarship Level 1B CNPq (National Counsel of Scientific and Technological Development); Coordinator Member of Dentistry Area Assistance Commitee - CNPq (2006 - 2009); Graduation in Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL) (1976); Specialization in Dental Prosthesis by Federal University of Pelotas; Master?s Degree by University of São Paulo (1980) and Doctorate Degree by University of São Paulo (1982). Dentistry Course Director of Federal University of Pelotas (1989 - 1993); Sixfold List Component of Federal University of Pelotas, (1989); Vice President of Professors Association of Federal University of Pelotas (1989 - 1992); Temporary Prorector of Federal University of Pelotas (1990). Applicant to Vice Rector of Federal University of Pelotas (1996). Applicant to Rector of Federal University of Pelotas (1997). Nowadays, Full Professor of Lutheran University of Brasil (ULBRA). Editorial Board Member of JBD, Ibero American Journal of Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry, Brazilian Journal of Integrated Dentistry Clinic (APCD) - ULBRA Publishing House - Gaúcha Dental Journal (RGO), Stomatos (ULBRA), Central Brazil Dental Journal (ROBRAC) and Aesthetics Dental Press Journal. Experience in Dental Area, with emphasis on Dental Clinic, working, mainly, on the following topics: composite resins, glass ionomer, dental adhesives, Restorative Dentistry and marginal adaptation. Coordinator of Postgraduate Program Master?s and Doctoral Levels, of Lutheran University of Brazil (2005 - 2009); Member of CNPq Avaliation Commitee, Dental Area (2005 - 2009); and currently, Dentistry Course Director of Lutheran University of Brazil / RS. Member of FAPERGS Accessor Commitee, Dental Area (2010 - 2012); Vice President of Brazilian Dental Education Association (ABENO) (2011 - 2014); Vice President of Professors Association of Lutheran University of Brazil (2013 - until nowadays); Vice President of Employees Association of Lutheran University of Brazil (ASSFULBRA) (2014 - 2016); Member of University Concil of ULBRA, representing Health Area; Member of Structuring Education Nucleus of Dentistry Course of Lutheran University of Brazil - Canoas / RS; Assistant Professor of Postgraduate in Dentistry of Lutheran University of Brazil.

    Carlos Alberto Feldens

    Graduated in Dentistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1985), Specialist Degree in Pediatric Dentistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1987), Master Degree in Public Health at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2004) and PhD in Epidemiology at the School of Medicine, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2008). He is currently an Associate Professor of the School of Dentistry at the Lutheran University of Brazil (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program). He is author of 3 books on Pediatric Dentistry and more than 80 peer-reviewed articles (Scopus H-index: 16). He is also a member of the Editorial Board of Dental Traumatology and a reviewer of Trials, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Caries Research, Dental Traumatology, International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry and Pediatrics. In 2010 he received the Capes Prize of Thesis in the field of Collective Health. He has experience in the field of Pediatric Dentistry and Epidemiology, working mainly on the following topics: risk factors and interventions on childhood caries and traumatic dental injuries.

    Flávio Renato Reis de Moura

    Pedro Antonio González Hernández

    Bachelor's at Estomatologia from Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana (1990) Professional Master's in Odontology. Universidade Federal de Pelotas, UFPEL, Pelotas, Brazil, (1996) and doctorate at Odontology from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2004). Has experience in Odontology, focusing on Bucomaxilofacial Surgery, acting on the following subjects: Restorative techniques, dentin adhesion, surgical techniques, restorative materials and biological restorations.

  • Faculty members

    Ahmet Özkömür

    He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Dentistry from the University of Çukurova / Turkey (2001), a PhD degree and Specialization in Prosthetic Dentistry from the University of Çukurova / Turkey (2009), a Master's Degree in Prosthetic Dentistry from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS (2013), Specialization in Implant Dentistry by the Mozarteum Faculty of São Paulo - FAMOSP, Postdoctoral degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS (2012-2016). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Lutheran University of Brazil, and is a permanent member of the Graduate Program in Dentistry.

    Carlos Alberto Feldens

    Graduated in Dentistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1985), Specialist Degree in Pediatric Dentistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1987), Master Degree in Public Health at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2004) and PhD in Epidemiology at the School of Medicine, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2008). He is currently an Associate Professor of the School of Dentistry at the Lutheran University of Brazil (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program). He is author of 3 books on Pediatric Dentistry and more than 80 peer-reviewed articles (Scopus H-index: 16). He is also a member of the Editorial Board of Dental Traumatology and a reviewer of Trials, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Caries Research, Dental Traumatology, International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry and Pediatrics. In 2010 he received the Capes Prize of Thesis in the field of Collective Health. He has experience in the field of Pediatric Dentistry and Epidemiology, working mainly on the following topics: risk factors and interventions on childhood caries and traumatic dental injuries.

    Celso Afonso Klein Junior

    Eduardo Galia Reston

    Graduated at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - School of Dentistry (1987)
    Certificate and Master Degree of Science in Operative Dentistry at Indiana University - School of Dentistry (USA) (1991)
    PhD degree in Restorative Dentistry from State Paulista University (UNESP at Araraquara) - 2004.
    Associate Professor of Lutheran University School of Dentistry (from 1992 to current year), acting in undergraduate and graduate (Master and PhD).
    Currently is the Head of the Graduate Program in Dentistry at Lutheran University of Brazil.
    Participate in Editorial Boards of several national and international Journals.
    Majors fields of interest are Dental Education, Restorative Dentistry, particularly composite resins and dental bleaching.
    Also has been lecturing in Brazil and other countries, as well as participating in many Organizing Committees - Scientific Boards of dental meetings

    Fernando Branco Barletta

    Fernando Branco Barletta graduated in Dentistry from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul(1987), completed a graduate internship at Universidade Federal do Paraná (1988) and graduate training in endodontics in Madrid (private practice) (1997). He is board-certified in Endodontics by Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1989) and holds Master?s and PhD degrees in Dentistry (Endodontics), both from Universidade de São Paulo (1992 and 1994). He is currently adjunct professor of the Graduate Program in Dentistry at Universidade Luterana do Brasil, author of over 95 papers published in both Brazilian and international journals, member of the editorial boards of Brazilian journals RSBO and Revista Odontológica do Brasil-Central (ROBRAC), and also serves an ad-hoc reviewer for the Brazilian Dental Journal.

    Flávio Renato Reis de Moura

    Maria Perpétua Freitas de Azevedo

    PhD in Dental Materials and Master in Facial Orthopedics and Orthodontics by Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. Graduated in Dentistry by the Federal University of Bahia in 1998. She has clinical experience in Facial Orthopedics and Orthodontics and research projects in development relationing other areas as Dental Materials, Genetics, Microbiology, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthognathic Surgery, and Information Technology. She is currently Adjunct Professor of Orthodontics at Course of Dentistry of Lutheran University of Brazil - Canoas RS, in the undergraduate and posgraduated (Lato Sensu and Stricto Sensu) degrees , reviewer of national and international journals, as well as Scientific Editor of the Stomatos Journal.

    Myrian Christina Corrêa da Camara Hewson Brew

    Paulo Floriani Kramer

    Paulo Floriani Kramer has a degree in Dentistry from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1986), a Master's Degree in Dental Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1990) and a PhD in Dental Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1995) in the area of Pediatric Dentistry . He is currently Professor of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program (Specialization, Master and Doctorate) of the Dentistry Course at the Lutheran University of Brazil (Canoas / RS). He completed post-doctoral training at the Post-Graduate Program in Collective Health at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2010-2011).

    Pedro Antonio González Hernández

    Bachelor's at Estomatologia from Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana (1990) Professional Master's in Odontology. Universidade Federal de Pelotas, UFPEL, Pelotas, Brazil, (1996) and doctorate at Odontology from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2004). Has experience in Odontology, focusing on Bucomaxilofacial Surgery, acting on the following subjects: Restorative techniques, dentin adhesion, surgical techniques, restorative materials and biological restorations.

    Rafael Rodrigues Dihl

    Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rafael_Dihl

    Sergio Augusto Quevedo Miguens Junior

    Graduated in Dentistry at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) in 1993. Master of Science, in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery by UFPel, in 1996 and obtained the Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Oral Medicine at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) in 2008. Since 1998 was appointed to the Adjunct Professor at the Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), campus Canoas. On the basis of research publications was appointed Professor of Oral Medicine at the Posgraduated Program in Dentistry of ULBRA, in 2010. Was Clinical Director of the Graduated in Dentistry at the ULBRA (1999-2013). Has experience in Odontology, research on Dental Education and research on Oral Medicine, acting on the following subjects: Oral Diagnosis and Oral Oncology. His present major clinical research interests include the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa and oral manifestations of radiotherapy and/or chemoterapy. Research studies to the understanding of the clinical oral manifestations of radiotherapy effects of the head and neck regions and the effects of photodinamic therapy (lasertherapy) associated.

  • Associate lecturers

    Adair Luiz Stefanello Busato

    Researcher/Scholarship Level 1B CNPq (National Counsel of Scientific and Technological Development); Coordinator Member of Dentistry Area Assistance Commitee - CNPq (2006 - 2009); Graduation in Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL) (1976); Specialization in Dental Prosthesis by Federal University of Pelotas; Master?s Degree by University of São Paulo (1980) and Doctorate Degree by University of São Paulo (1982). Dentistry Course Director of Federal University of Pelotas (1989 - 1993); Sixfold List Component of Federal University of Pelotas, (1989); Vice President of Professors Association of Federal University of Pelotas (1989 - 1992); Temporary Prorector of Federal University of Pelotas (1990).
    Applicant to Vice Rector of Federal University of Pelotas (1996). Applicant to Rector of Federal University of Pelotas (1997). Nowadays, Full Professor of Lutheran University of Brasil (ULBRA). Editorial Board Member of JBD, Ibero American Journal of Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry, Brazilian Journal of Integrated Dentistry Clinic (APCD) - ULBRA Publishing House - Gaúcha Dental Journal (RGO), Stomatos (ULBRA), Central Brazil Dental Journal (ROBRAC) and Aesthetics Dental Press Journal. Experience in Dental Area, with emphasis on Dental Clinic, working, mainly, on the following topics: composite resins, glass ionomer, dental adhesives, Restorative Dentistry and marginal adaptation. Coordinator of Postgraduate Program Master?s and Doctoral Levels, of Lutheran University of Brazil (2005 - 2009); Member of CNPq Avaliation Commitee, Dental Area (2005 - 2009); and currently, Dentistry Course Director of Lutheran University of Brazil / RS.
    Member of FAPERGS Accessor Commitee, Dental Area (2010 - 2012); Vice President of Brazilian Dental Education Association (ABENO) (2011 - 2014); Vice President of Professors Association of Lutheran University of Brazil (2013 - until nowadays); Vice President of Employees Association of Lutheran University of Brazil (ASSFULBRA) (2014 - 2016); Member of University Concil of ULBRA, representing Health Area; Member of Structuring Education Nucleus of Dentistry Course of Lutheran University of Brazil - Canoas / RS; Assistant Professor of Postgraduate in Dentistry of Lutheran University of Brazil.

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