Modality Presential Course
Postgraduate Programm Doctor of Philosophy
Duration 8 Semesters


The Programme

The academic doctorate in Science and Mathematics Education provides conceptual and methodological elements for the formation of professionals with a researcher profile, able to pursue a academic career, as well as to train teachers capable of being "trainers of trainers", thus going beyond Their own professionalization.

Title: PhD or Master Degree in Science and Mathematics Education.


Promote and carry out research in the area of Education, qualifying and improving the researcher of Basic Education and Higher Education, in order to develop and foster educational processes in Science and Mathematics in the perspective of contemporary demands.

 Target Audience

Teachers of Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry who work at different levels of education, as well as professionals from other related areas who wish to dedicate themselves to research Science and Mathematics teaching.


The Graduate Program in Teaching Science and Mathematics was evaluated by the Area Committee at its meeting from November 19 to 23, 2001, with an opinion favorable to the recommendation. It was recommended by the Scientific Technical Council (CTC) at the meeting of December 13 and 14, 2001, with concept 3, with the issuance of Official Letter CAA / CTC / 276 of December 17, 2001. It officially began its activities in March Of 2002.

Ulbra Canoas - Avenida Farroupilha, 8001 · Bairro São José · CEP 92425-900 · Canoas/RS Telefone: + 55 51 3477.4000 · E-mail: